Daily Encouragement Podcast

A Bible-based message of hope and encouragement prepared by Stephen and Brooksyne Weber each weekday.

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"After some time had passed, Paul said to Barnabas, 'Let’s go back and visit the brothers in every town where we have preached the message of the Lord and see how they’re doing.' Barnabas wanted to take along John Mark. But Paul did not think it appropriate to take along this man who had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone on with them to the work. There was such a sharp disagreement that they parted company, and Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed off to Cyprus. Then Paul chose Silas and departed, after being commended to the grace of the Lord by the brothers. He traveled through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches" (Acts 15:36-41).

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Direct download: DE-03-18-13.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:01pm EST